
星期二, 三月 23, 2004

Slyck and Zeropaid 

Two major P2P news sites, Slyck and Zeropaid, provide the latest development of P2P systems, with emphasis on available P2P software.

wiki.theory.org - Bit Torrent Applications 

In addition to Azureus, many BT applications are out there: wiki.theory.org - Bit Torrent Applications. Interestingly, Azureus has been ranked the best.

The BT C libraries (libtorrent and libbt) would be extremely useful to build a new BT client.

The BT 1.0 specification is also on the wiki site (here). Some proposed modification is here.

I really would like to compare this approach with that in eMule. Specifically, it seems no choking/unchoking in emule; instead a remote peer's upload rate will only affect its position at the waiting queue. Besides, there is a credit system in emule.

Of course there is no tracker in emule, but the search feature in emule will help to find other peers who is also in the horde (swarming). Is there a frequent check so as to update the available pieces, and newly online peers in the same horde? Well, have to read emule code.

Update: from doc at emule project site,
"For well shared files every 10 minutes a random client in the source list of a particular download is asked for its sources.
If the file is rare, i.e. less than 40 sources, every client in the list is asked for its sources in this interval."

星期一, 三月 22, 2004

MFC vs Qt 

If you are considering developing a GUI program on Windows, you might just go ahead use MFC. But actually there are some other choices. Among them, Qt and Gtk are getting more and more popular now.

Here is a good article about Qt vs. MFc. MFC vs Qt

星期日, 三月 21, 2004

Legal P2P networks for commercial companies  

Legal P2P networks gaining ground | CNET News.com covers yet another company that is going to make use of P2P for enterprise (Groove is another example). Essentially the idea of mesh download/horde/swarm/whatever you name it seems to have a very bright future when it comes to large file distribution.

Some game verdors are said to be using BitTorrent to distribute beta release.

It seems there are ways to use the idea beyond what RIAA considered illegal file sharing.

On the other hand, people are talking about combining RSS with Bittorrent to push files automatically by subscribing some feeds. There is a working system already: Andrew Grumet's tool.

星期三, 三月 17, 2004

Building Hierarchy on Structured P2P - from Stanford db group 

There is a clear trent to structured P2P in both academia and industry. The Stanford Peers Group page has the latest surveys and ideas about this....

星期一, 三月 15, 2004

A list of resources for state-of-the-art Overlay Networks 

Interestingly the page also has resources about media streaming and wireless stuff that could be applied to overlay.

星期日, 三月 14, 2004

NeoNet: how P2P Networks Evolve: An Interview with StreamCast CEO Michael Weiss 

E-Commerce News: Networks: P2P Networks Evolve: An Interview with StreamCast CEO Michael Weiss talks about the novel NeoNet approach, which claims to be able to find a source with an average of 2.8 look-ups on a network of 10 million concurrent users.

星期二, 三月 09, 2004

Erich's Java cheat sheet for C programmers 

this may look off the topic...
Anyway the cheat sheet is the best summary of differences between c++ and Java.
Erich's Java cheat sheet for C programmers

星期四, 三月 04, 2004

List of working P2P systems 

Just found a link when searching for more details about Kademlia algorithm, a structued dht for p2p, now used by overnet(overnet and edonkey2000 are not open source, but there are open source clients available- emule, and ed2k-client).

Some systems that were missed on the link are: BitTorrent (azureus), ed2k(emule, windows client using MFC ), Gnutella1/2, and gisp.

Note that overnet is fully discentralized, while ed2k network relies on 'servers'(index node, not content server) for publishing. But both use DHT for searching. Details here.

As for FastTrack, unfortunately kazaa is not open source. Don't know if there is one.....giFT maybe...

a cross-network p2p client is mldonkey . In addition to eDonkey , it supports several large networks, such as Overnet(serveless ed2k) , Bittorrent, Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire,etc), Gnutella2 (Shareaza), Fasttrack (Kazaa, Imesh, Grobster), Soulseek (beta), Direct-Connect (alpha), and Opennap (alpha). Networks can be enabled/disabled, searches are performed in parallel on all enabled networks, but each file is only downloaded from one network, but from multiple clients concurrently (horde)."

Originally, it was the first open-source client to access the eDonkey network . The protocol was reverse-engeneered using an efficient protocol sniffer, Pandora . MLdonkey is written in Objective-Caml , a powerful language that runs on most Operating Systems.

Speaking of the UDP based G2(Gnutella2), now GnucDNA(MS VC7)(a COM in windows, wrapped in Morpheus now) and shareaza(close source!) suppot it.

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