
星期四, 三月 04, 2004

List of working P2P systems 

Just found a link when searching for more details about Kademlia algorithm, a structued dht for p2p, now used by overnet(overnet and edonkey2000 are not open source, but there are open source clients available- emule, and ed2k-client).

Some systems that were missed on the link are: BitTorrent (azureus), ed2k(emule, windows client using MFC ), Gnutella1/2, and gisp.

Note that overnet is fully discentralized, while ed2k network relies on 'servers'(index node, not content server) for publishing. But both use DHT for searching. Details here.

As for FastTrack, unfortunately kazaa is not open source. Don't know if there is one.....giFT maybe...

a cross-network p2p client is mldonkey . In addition to eDonkey , it supports several large networks, such as Overnet(serveless ed2k) , Bittorrent, Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire,etc), Gnutella2 (Shareaza), Fasttrack (Kazaa, Imesh, Grobster), Soulseek (beta), Direct-Connect (alpha), and Opennap (alpha). Networks can be enabled/disabled, searches are performed in parallel on all enabled networks, but each file is only downloaded from one network, but from multiple clients concurrently (horde)."

Originally, it was the first open-source client to access the eDonkey network . The protocol was reverse-engeneered using an efficient protocol sniffer, Pandora . MLdonkey is written in Objective-Caml , a powerful language that runs on most Operating Systems.

Speaking of the UDP based G2(Gnutella2), now GnucDNA(MS VC7)(a COM in windows, wrapped in Morpheus now) and shareaza(close source!) suppot it.

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