星期二, 七月 22, 2003
NY Times has a story of IBM's plan to outsource hi-tech jobs to India, China, Russia, etc. This seems a clear trend for almost all IT giants, Microsoft, Oracle, and many consulting companies. The reason? cost of course. As one IBM officer put, "You can get crackerjack Java programmers in India right out of college for $5,000 a year versus $60,000 here". The same job, much less cost, what you will do if you are the boss?
First it is manufacturing jobs, now it comes to IT, services, what's next?
The globalizatoin of economy has proved to be a double-edged sword for developing countries who have to focus on low-labor industry oursourced from Big 7. Now its negative impact is also evident here in the States. Nevertheless, Capitalism does not CARE.
First it is manufacturing jobs, now it comes to IT, services, what's next?
The globalizatoin of economy has proved to be a double-edged sword for developing countries who have to focus on low-labor industry oursourced from Big 7. Now its negative impact is also evident here in the States. Nevertheless, Capitalism does not CARE.