
星期日, 六月 29, 2003

JVMs for Pocket PC 

Tried a couple of free WinCE JVMs for PocketPC(StrongARM) such as superwaba, NSIcom crEme, emeVM, and Kaffe (only for Linux). JXTA has its own JVM. It looks like the JVM that supports J2ME MIDP 2.0 are better then those who only support PersonalJava. A list of JVMs for pocket PC is here.

Take a look at JXME for JXTA. Sample app runs good on PocketPC.

ANT, the make tool, is definitely a wonderful thing. Play with it a little more later.....

星期五, 六月 27, 2003

What is the impact of RIAA's plan to sue hundred's of music file swappers? I mean to the P2P software industry (obvioulsly negative), and ongoing P2P research?

Just because P2P is in effect the major infrastructure for illegal content sharing does not mean that it will die along with movie/music sharing. I believe its primary applicaiton will be in building scalable and fault-tolerant, self-organizing systems for data/knowledge/information sharing/distribution/management in large-scale networks or enterprise networks. No more searching research please.


A story from "The Harvard Crimson Online" will likely make more people get away from Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express. The bug.bear virus was the culprit in this case. Some assistant's Windows PC has been infected and a sensitive email text was randomly picked up from hard disk and sent to a couple of students, again randomly picked. How sensitive? well, it is something about theft suspect.......

Finally, Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis ’68 offered his advice as a computer science professor: “Use a Mac."

My 2 cents: ditch outlook, dude.

星期四, 六月 26, 2003

Bit Torrent is amazing! 2 fast, 2 furious........

JXTA is definitely a good choice for wireless P2P! It is actually the framework of a set of protocols that connect any wireless/wired devices in a P2P manner. In conjunction with J2ME , JXTA could be underlying platform for PDAs, wireless phones, pagers, or whatever mobile devices.

The power of various mobile devices are categorized into some profiles. Personal profile is for high-end PDAs such as iPaQ.

Let's try this cool thing on my iPaQ 3670.......

星期三, 六月 25, 2003

Thinking of "Knowledge Management" software that groups peers who share similiar interest and individual knowledge/information within the communicty. This might be a new direction of mobile applications with the support of Peer to Peer computing. Greenpacket's SonBuddy software offers such an interest-based communication method over mobile ad hoc networks. In infrastructure mode, however, knowledge/information sharing still has application scenarios with P2P such as mobile device users in an event. Is there any open-source P2P application available on the web? don't know yet....

JXTA might be a good choice of wireless p2p platform....

星期一, 六月 23, 2003

WinCE, pocket pc, windows mobile.... 

Played a bit with Compaq (no, HP now) iPaQ 3750 running Windows CE 3.0 (is it so called "windows mobile"?). A Dlink compact flash wireless adaptor worked well with an adaptor that could be placed into the expansion pack. Dlink's driver installation is very easy---you just connect your iPaQ with your PC through USB and launch the setup program on the CD. The installer will put the driver on the iPaQ automatically.

Excerpt from MSDN:
Is the Pocket PC OS the same as Windows CE?
No. The Pocket PC OS is a custom version of Windows CE developed by Microsoft. It contains APIs and applications that are not included in Windows CE 3.0 itself. Likewise, Windows CE contains components that are not included in the Pocket PC OS.
Pocket PC devices do not all use the same Pocket PC OS, either. OEMs who build these devices make custom versions of the Pocket PC OS to add features specific to their devices. Thus, a Pocket PC device from one OEM might include different applications or device drivers than a Pocket PC from another OEM.

btw, Microsoft just released Pocket PC 2003.

I have got Windows eMbedded visual C++ tools running on my PC. So in 5 minutes a simple hello world program could be made and tested on the device. The environment is pretty handy. Will Visual .Net for CE be much better?

CHM printing trouble 

Got "Understanding Linux Kernel v2" (a chm file) from my friend. But it took me a while to figure out that if you want to print an entire chapter you have to manually decompose the chm into a couple of htmls and print them one by one. Obviously MS's chm printing function never works for those embedded images in the chm file.

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