
星期一, 十二月 22, 2003

The holy hype around 3G- Martin Cooper 

Cell phone inventor Martin Cooper does not think 3G will be deployed in large scale as no demanding apps. MMS, streaming media, and gaming will not likely to be popular among the mass. How about e-commerce? Wait, it does not need high bit rate......

Who needs 3G anyway? We have camera phones already. We probably need video phone next year...........

星期五, 十二月 19, 2003

Techdirt:Can We Blame The Shuttle Explosion On PowerPoint? 

More about Powerpoint:

Techdirt:Can We Blame The Shuttle Explosion On PowerPoint?

PowerPoint Makes You Dumb? 

Slashdot | PowerPoint Makes You Dumb

IMHO, Powerpoint is the tool used by people. It is the person who will eventually make a decision on how to present her idea. When you don't think hard and research enough, you tend to blame the tool. It is always like this, for many years.

星期二, 十二月 16, 2003

Slashdot | RSS & BT Together? 

A hot topic about 'Disruptive Technologies" :Slashdot | RSS & BT Together?.
No wonder BT is now considered the best way to distribute files over the Internet.

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